Frequently Asked Questions.

Here you will find answers to some the most frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answer to your question below, feel free to contact us.

The Photologic app is available for download via App Store and Google Play.

Your User name will normally be your main email at your place of employment, if in doubt, ask your local admin.

In case you forget your password, you can request a password reset in the app by clicking the link “Reset password” on the login screen. Enter your email address and click, Reset. This will trigger a password reset email sent to the address you have entered. Go to your inbox and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Yes, the app will work in offline mode. When your phone reconnects to the internet, recorded images and data are automatically and securely uploaded to the server.

A string is a series of images of a specific problem/location, in a specific patient. For example, a melanoma on the lower leg. The string includes the location, the pre-, per- and postoperative images of this specific problem/location.

A patient can have more than one string and for each string, the patient can have given different consents. For example, in the patient mentioned above, a few months after the melanoma treatment, this patient is planned for a cosmetic breast reduction. This results in a second string, with a location (breast) and different diagnosis and procedures. In this way, images from one treatment/string (melanoma) are not mixed with another (breast reduction).

A cluster is a group of people, typically healthcare professionals, working together. An example could be the staff of a department (Doctors and nurses). Being in the same cluster allows all members of the cluster to record, access, and view images of patients on their own device.

No, Photologic provides a unique taxonomy specific to plastic surgery (and in time to all specialties). This ensures a consistent data quality, and improves accuracy when analyzing data.

This is not possible, and most likely illegal, unless the patient has given explicit consent.

At present, this is not possible since it would require explicite patient consent. However, Photologic can offer customers to convert and import images from an existing database, into their Photologic cluster image collection. Please contact us if you are interested in this service.

In the app all registered patients and related photos are presented. To view only your own photos/series click “Go to portal” on the app home screen. This will take you to the portal. Here, click the button My series, which will open a list of series created by you.

This cannot be performed in the app. For advanced parameterized searches, you need to log into the Photologic portal from a PC. A video guide on parameterized search will be provided on the Photologic website.

Start Capture is the entry point for recording and retrieving patient images with the app. When you click it, you will be presented with a list of the most recent patients from your cluster, a search bar to locate a previous registered patient and the option to create a new patient.

Yes, in the portal you can create one or more patients with all the relevant information; (Name, Social Security No (CPR), Date of birth, Sex and Cluster affiliation). Patients created in the portal will show up in the list of patients in the app.

The “Acute patient” is always displayed at the top of the patient list when you click “Start capture”. This allows you to record images of an unknown patient (John Doe), without personal identification or tags. This should only be used in acute situations.

The patient sends an e-mail to Photologic via our website and informs us of the desired change or revocation.

In the App Store and Google Play, the app will be marked with the option to update.

No, currently video is not supported. We are working on the solution and hope to introduce video in a future update.

When recording images inside the OR we suggest to turn the OR lights away from the area you want to photograph.

As in most photography apps, the yellow icon for adjusting the flash is located in the upper left corner, when recording images.

The pixel size of the photos you capture depend on your device. For example, an iPhone SE will capture images in 12 Mega Pixel (3024 x 4032 px). Whereas, an iPhone 15 will capture images in 48 MP.

After recording the images, the photographs and accompanying data (tags) are encrypted before being uploaded to the portal (server). This process typically takes only a few seconds but in the case of several images, the processing time is longer. You should NOT exit or close the app before the processing is complete, but you can put the phone down and continue your work while the upload completes.

Yes, Photologic provides a secure, GDPR compliant solution. All images are securely stored in the application and accessible only via the app and the portal. This also prevents cloud dissemination of the images to other devices associated with the user.

No, obtaining the patient's consent is central to GDPR compliance and cannot be skipped.

Yes, Photologic can be integrated with all secure EPJ systems. However, this will require some collaboration and exchange of technical information between the Cluster (Hospital or Clinic) and Photologic. For more information, please contact us.

Yes, if an external colleague needs to confer a patient, he/she can securely transfer patient images to a Photologic user. This is typically initiated by a phone call.  Inquire to the callers (work) email.
In the app click “Go to portal”, this will open the Photologic portal in your browser, or perform this directly from the Portal on a PC.  Click “+External upload”, on the next page, in the field "Invite External", write the email of the collegue, and click save.
This sends an automated email notification to said emailaddress. When the recipient clicks the link in the email a new page opens and the recipient has the option of recording or
uploading already recorded images. After the images have been uploaded, click “save”. The Photologic user can the view the images under “External upload”.

Yes, this can be done by the physician or by a secretary with access to the Photologic Portal. In the app click “Go to portal”, this will open the Photologic portal in your browser, or perform this directly from the Portal on a PC. Click “+ Create patient”, on the next page, write the patient name, social security number and click save. The patient can then be located under “Start capture” in the app and consent acquired, prior to recording images as normal.

In the app click “Go to portal”, this will open the Photologic portal in your browser, or perform this directly from the Portal on a PC. In the “Search” box mark your required search criterias, for example a diagnosis (Blepharoptosis) and an Age range (20-30) to find all the relevant patients / patient images. If you need assistance with advanced searches, feel free to contact Photologic for assistance.

Please get in touch via our website or use the phone number provided in your Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Photologic app dashboard ...
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Easy Installation

Installation Guide

To install the Photologic app on your device (smat phone), simply go through the following steps. Please note. To install and use the app you will have to be affiliated with a cluster (meaning a hospital or clinic). For more information please contact us.

Download the Photologic App (from App store / Google Play).

Check your email. Click the link in the welcome message:

Log in using your email and the temporary password.

Create password (and be sure to remember it!).

Open the Photologic app on your smart phone.

Sign in, using your email and the password you have created.

Press (ok), not Sign out.

Create PIN (4-digets), and setup Biometrics (Face- or touch-ID).

App launches and you are ready to Start Capture.